Home Decor

How our house has transformed (for the better!) during the pandemic

How our house has transformed (for the better!) during the pandemic

We have taken the time to really reflect on our home recently, and while traveling isn’t in the cards for the near future, making our home our little sanctuary is. So our online space here is making a real transition from being ALL about the travels to being ALL about home. And frankly, we’re in a season of life when we’re okay with that!

How we used Havenly to decorate our Great Room (an honest review)

How we used Havenly to decorate our Great Room (an honest review)

When we first moved into our new home, I was a bit overwhelmed with decorating. I was especially overwhelmed by our Great Room. This room is the first thing people see when they enter the front door, and is half dining room, half living room, so I wanted it to be well done. Of course, I had my fair share of Pinterest boards brimming with inspiration, but I simply didn’t know where to start. To say I felt overwhelmed was an understatement. Enter Havenly.

How we're welcoming a new direction in 2020

How we're welcoming a new direction in 2020

Happy 2020! Wow, a LOT has happened in the past year. Most monumental of all? Moving from Washington, DC to our new home in South Burlington, Vermont.💚🏡💚To kick off the new year, we went on a hike in the woods behind our house today. Between the fresh powder and the chill in the air, it made for a refreshing, reflective, start to the new decade! Happy New Year!

Our latest adventure: How we decided to build a home 500 miles away

Our latest adventure: How we decided to build a home 500 miles away

As much as we love traveling the world, the Traveling Flâneurs have some big news. We’ve decided to settle down a bit and create a home base from which to launch many future travels. We’re building a house! In Vermont! We’re excited to have you come on this journey with us while we figure out how to build a home while being 500 miles away.